Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well hellllllooooooo cyberspace. Today's little bloggy blog is all about elections, yes elections. Boring? I think not! The reality is I used to think politics, well I didn't really even think of politics but when the topic came up I'd usually tune out and daydream. Now I'm not talking about politics on the global high national scale,I'm thinking local. University local to be exact. You see, a month ago I was an unknown the the students union. I was merely one of the 7602 students who attends UBCO . Yep, that's right, there are over 7500 students who attend this institution. Now that brings up another question, how on earth will all 7602 voices be heard on where the funding should go, what we need etc. That's where the students union comes in. Now traditionally students are politicized as rowdy party hardy students who get drunk all the time, and sleep with each other and usually end up like this:


Or this


The reality is that we aren't all like this. The other stereotype is the socially awkward student who has a pocket protector and glasses with tape. Sorry to all those guys who hoped university girls were easy sluts.


We actually care. The students union in particular is actually working to make your voice heard. There are the protests (Almost always peaceful of course)and the changes that student governments bring. In the case of UBCO the lovely new UNC which cost over 8 million dollars. What I don't understand is why everyone is hating. No government is perfect but there is nothing worse then people who hate on people WHO VOLUNTEER their time (countless hours) to try make the institution actually listen to the students voices. All in all its just frustrating when election time comes around all this hate comes out. While election are fun and exciting the overall percentage of students who actually vote is quite low. Less then 30% of students go out and vote, yet at least 10 people come up and outwardly hate on the events put on by the UBCSUO. I guess it's just enraging that people are so quick to judge and bitch when they do not practice their basic right as a student (you don't even have to be domestic!) as a citizen!

The take home message.....





If she can do it, so can you!



Lyttle Miss Sunshine


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Its strange to think it's been almost a year since I blogged last. The reason is that I have been busy, well no, I just lost interest. Thanks to a certain blogger (yes this is you typeacenlove). She has inspired me to get back on this blogging horse, though Im sure they'll never be as fantastic and well don as hers.
Sitting through my Class and Culture in Latin America class it has brought to my attention the notion of culture. What is culture? According to British pioneer in culture, culture is defined as: a general process of intellectual, spiritual, and aesthetic development: a particular way of life, whether of a people, a period, or a group. Hmmmm let's dissect this shall we. Well simply put, this sums things up. Culture is not simply the customs that make a nation what it is. Culture is an interesting idea in the fact that in modern society it is essentially everything. Culture is not what defines us but it influences us in the fact that laws in essence are encompassed in culture. Laws are different from nation to nation but they shape us by not allowing us to do what we would like, such a rob a bank. That is against the law, duh!

So lets have some fun with pictures, todays topic, why culture of course!

Is this culture? This is hip hop culture, culture has been linked to music.

Here is probably the most stereotypical of the exotic culture. From a North American perspective this is also culture.

Ahhhh culture is am amazing thing. It can also be about what brings people together such as food. YUM! Food. Or culture is something such as the cannabis culture.

Well that is about it. I have exhausted my dive to type. I guess I should go back and ACTUALLY pay full attention to my lecture.

Lyttle Miss Sunshine