Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Moonlit Sonata

Moonlit Sonata is what I like to listen to the most. It is by far my favourite piece of music ever. The way it flows calms my every fibre…okay a little deep for my first post but I have never been good at small talk, I prefer to delve right into the ‘nitty gritty’. Why I chose to start a blog? Hmmm good question. I guess I wanted to just put myself out there into cyber space and be me. No masks, no hiding…. simply me. This might become a sort of a diary/venting/self discovery place but hey, it’s free and it can’t hurt to let out the occasional negative energies. I plan to keep my real identity a total secret, not that I imagine that anyone would be following this religiously but in a way this is my means of saying what I want without being terrified someone will hunt me down for saying thing wrong thing about them. Re-reading this I have already discovered many things about myself, such as I like to use the three dots… instead of being smart and structuring my sentences. Which is silly seeing as the title of this blog is ‘Thoughts from and aspiring intellect.’ Aspiring I am. The last realization I have come to while re-reading this posting thus far is I love to use the word, ‘I’. translation, I am evidently self-centered and quite possibly self-consious for the fear of saying what I want and people knowing I said it…oh there I go with the I’s…oh jeez, I did it again….gah…..forget it. I have two options to fix the ‘I’ complex that faces me right now. I could switch to referring to myself in the third person and running the risk of sounding crazy/horribly pretentious or face the facts that I am indeed self-centered. I choose the latter. I, I, I, I, whoo that felt good. I guess that to end this random first posting I will include 15 facts/info/things ( I don’t like using that word, it’s far to general) about myself.

  1. I despise the black bit at the bottom of the banana so I bite the bottom off and peel it that way.
  2. I dream of living in New York someday
  3. I am a hopeless romantic, despite my hardened exterior
  4. I have never seen ‘Top Gun”
  5. I secretly think that the majority of the people in university are complete idiots.
  6. I prefer men at least 5 years my senior as partners
  7. I am a slight control freak
  8. I adore classical music for ambience
  9. I think that the Beatles are overrated
  10. I am terrified of growing old and alone.
  11. My favourite time of day is after midnight and before 5 am because the world is so calm and peaceful
  12. I do my best thinking around 3 am.
  13. THe song 9 Crimes by Damien Rice makes me sob every time I hear it.
  14. I think that a good cry is highly underrated, so is sleep
  15. To date, the best advice on life I have ever heard is Wear Sunscreen by Baz Luhrman.

Whooo, that is all over the place. I’ll keep posting lists such as this, things from deep in my inner psyche. I hardly imagine that anyone will bread this but it’s interesting being able to be all me and getting everything out of myself instead of internalizing. If anyone out there actually ends up reading this I hope you enojoyed it.


Lyttle Miss Sunshine.

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